Notification of the start of the application process for the Applied Photonics Award

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Your Award-Alert


With the award alert, you will receive an email from us once a year with the latest announcement of the Applied Photonics Award. This way, you can be sure not to miss the application deadline. In addition, you will receive all the important information about the documents to be submitted, application modalities and relevant data about the event at a glance.

This is where you get to the registration.


Three reasons to enter the “Applied Photonics Award”

  1. Your scientific work will be recognized by a jury of experts. The award will give your research recognition within the scientific community.
  2. The award is given to particularly original and innovative theses that deal with topics in applied photonics. This is a great asset for your résumé and will have a positive impact on your professional career.
  3. Depending on the category, you will receive an attractive prize. However, the opportunity to network through your participation is much more important. The presentation of the “Applied Photonics Award” is embedded in the “Photonics Days” event. Here you will have the opportunity to present your thesis to a broad specialist audience.

You can find more detailed information on how to apply (documents to be submitted, application deadline) here.

Register for the award alert

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Overview of the Award


Interviews mit
Award winners

Find out more about the topics of the theses that won the Applied Photonics Award.