Former Winners

After the award ceremony, we spoke to the award winners. Read about the motivation behind their field of research, how they found their final topics and what it means to them to be honored with the Applied Photonics Award

Interviews with former award winners

Award Winners 2024

Group photo with the winners of the Applied Photonics Award 2024
© Fraunhofer IOF
The award winners with Dr. Marc Krug from Jenoptik (left) and Prof. Andreas Tünnermann (right).

From improved diagnostics for tissue samples and new manufacturing processes for the electronics industry to the high-precision synchronization of clocks using tiny quanta - the Applied Photonics Award 2024 once again honored young researchers for their pioneering theses in the field of applied photonics. The prize was awarded on September 26 as part of the Photonics Days Jena by Institute Director Prof. Andreas Tünnermann and Dr. Marc Krug from Jenoptik AG. The award ceremony took place at the Abbe Center of Photonics in Jena in front of an audience from the fields of optics and photonics that was both present and virtually connected. 

Award winner in the bachelor thesis category

Leon Fuchs Hochschule Aalen (to the Interview)
"Concept of a Multi-Spectral Light Source as a Halogen Lamp Replacement"

Award winner in the master thesis category

Paula Heik - FAU Erlangen (to the Interview)
"Development and Characterization of AlN VAT Photopolymerization"


Award winner in the dissertation category

Christopher Spiess - University Jena
"Clock Synchronization with Single Photons"


Jury Prize for Scientific Excellence

Nils Bernhardt - Technical University of Berlin
"Optical Bound States in the Continuum: Boosting the Effective Nonlinear Susceptibility of WS2"


Jury Prize for Applications in Sustainability

Karina Trindade Ribeiro - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
"Hybrid PV-Thermal and Radiative Cooling Technology for Tri-Generation of Electricity, Heating, and Cooling"


Jury Prize for Applications in Biophotonics

Dr. Jakob Lingg - Technical University of Munich
"Shortwave-Infrared Line-Scanning Confocal Microscope for Deep Tissue Imaging"

Award Winners 2023

Group photo with the winners of the Applied Photonics Award 2023
© Fraunhofer IOF
The winners of the Award with Prof. Kaysser-Pyzalla (left), Prof. Andreas Tünnermann (second row) and Dr. Katja Böhler (right).

The "Applied Photonics Award" was presented to the award winners on October 12, 2023 as part of the "Photonics Days Jena" by Prof. Andreas Tünnermann and Prof. Dr. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, CEO of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and keynote speaker at this year's "Photonics Days Jena", together with Dr. Katja Böhler, State Secretary for Research, Innovation and Economic Development in Thuringia. The award ceremony took place at the Abbe Center of Photonics in Jena in front of an audience from the fields of optics and photonics that was both present and connected virtually. 

Award winner in the bachelor thesis category

Manuel Klockow - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (to the Interview)
"Evaluating Diffractive Neural Network Architectures"

Award winner in the master thesis category

Valeriia Sedova - FAU Erlangen (to the Interview)
"Modeling of thick photoresist for grayscale lithography application"


Award winner in the dissertation category

Vincent Hahn - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (to the Interview)
"3D Laser Micro- and Nanoprinting: Faster, Finer, and More Affordable"


Award winner in the category "Prize of the Jury for Applied Quantum Technologies"

Philipp Reuschel - Universität Siegen (to the Interview)
“Vector magnetometry based on polarimetric optically-detected magnetic resonance”


Award winner in the category "Prize of the Jury for Basic Research Work in an Important Future Field of the Modern Information Society"

Tobias Weitz - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (to the Interview)
“Lightwave electronics in graphene”

Award Winners 2022

Group image of the winners Applied Photonics Award 2022.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Robert Kammel, head of the Strategy, Organization, Communication department at Fraunhofer IOF, und Prof. Dr. Michelé Heurs, gravitational wave researcher (on the far left and right side) together with the winners of the Applied Photonics Award 2022: Magdalena Hilbert, Felix Wechsler, René Kirrbach, Jan-Wilke Henke, and Daniel Werdehausen (from left to right).

The "Applied Photonics Award" was presented to the award winners by Dr. Robert Kammel and Prof. Dr. Michelé Heurs on October 5, 2022 during the "Photonics Days Jena". The award ceremony took place at the Abbe Center of Photonics in Jena in front of a present and virtually connected audience from optics and photonics. 

Award winner in the category Bachelor Thesis

Magdalena Hilbert - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (to the Interview)
"Gas Sensing with 2D Materials on Exposed-Core Fibers"


Award winner in the category Master Thesis

Felix Wechsler - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (to the Interview)
"Kaleidomicroscope - A Kaleidoscopic Multiview Microscope"


Award winner in the category Dissertation

Dr. René Kirrbach - Technical University Dresden (to the Interview)
"Untersuchungen zu linearen optisch-drahtlosen Frontends und applikationsspezifischen Freiformlinsen für die optisch-drahtlose Kommunikation" (Investigations on linear optical wireless frontends and application-specific freeform lenses for optical wireless communications)



In addition to the awards for the three graduation categories, the 2022 jury recognized two additional graduation projects for scientific excellence.


Prize of the Jury for Scientific Excellence, Graduate

Jan Wilke-Henke - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
"Demonstration of the interaction between free electrons and fiber-integrated photonic resonators"


Prize of the Jury for Scientific Excellence, Post-Graduate

Dr. Daniel Werdehausen - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (to the Interview)
"Nanocomposites as Next-Generation Optical Materials: Fundamental Properties and Potential"

Award Winners 2021

The winner of the Applied Photonics Award 2021 together with Andreas Tünnermann (Director Fraunhofer IOF) and Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (Nobel Prize winner in Physics).
Fraunhofer IOF Director Andreas Tünnermann together with Nobel Prize winner Prof. Reinhard Genzel, digitally connected, and the lucky winners of the Applied Photonics Award 2021: Katrin Bihr, Christoph Stihler, Luise Hoffmann, and Tobias Schnabel (from left to right).

The "Applied Photonics Award" was virtually handed over to the four award winners by Nobel Prize winner Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel on September 29, 2021 during the "Photonics Days Jena". The award ceremony took place at Fraunhofer IOF in front of attending industry and science representatives from optics and photonics. 

Award winner in the category Bachelor Thesis

Katrin Bihr - Hochschule Furtwangen (To the interview)
"Tiefenmessung in endoskopischen 3D-Systemen"
("Depth Measurement in 3D Endoscopic Systems.")


Award winner in the category Master Thesis

Luise Hoffmann - Technische Universität Clausthal (To the interview)
"Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Femtosekundenlaser-legierten Nickelnetzelektroden für die alkalische Wasserelektrolyse"
("Fabrication and characterization of femtosecond laser-alloyed nickel mesh electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis.")


Award winner in the category Dissertation

Tobias Schnabel - Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
"Photokatalytischer Abbau von pharmazeutischen Mikroschadstoffen an trägergebundenen Katalysatoren"
("Photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical micropollutants on supported catalysts.")


In addition to the prizes for the three categories, the 2021 jury awarded a further thesis with special application potential.


Jury Award for high potential for utilization and application

Christoph Stihler - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (To the interview)
"Transverse mode instability - Insights into modal energy transfer in high-power fiber lasers"

Award Winners 2020

The winner of the Applied Photonics Award 2020 together with Andreas Tünnermann (Director Fraunhofer IOF) in front of the institute building of Fraunhofer IOF in Jena.
The winner of the Applied Photonics Award 2020 together with Andreas Tünnermann (Director Fraunhofer IOF) in front of the institute building of Fraunhofer IOF in Jena.

The award ceremony took place during the virtual Photonics Days 2020 on September 22, 2020 in Jena. In the lecture hall of the Abbe Center of Photonics, the winners were presented with their prizes in front of a few people, but in front of an even larger online audience.

Award winner in the category Bachelor Thesis

Ben Sicks - Technical University of Ulm (To the interview)
"Entwicklung eines LED-basierten Systems zur homogenen Bestrahlung von Endotrachealtuben mit sichtbarem Licht zur Vermeidung von beatmungsassoziierten Pneumonien"
(Development of an LED-based system for homogeneous irradiation of endotracheal tubes with visible light to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia)


Award winner in the category Master Thesis

Simon Schmid - Technical University of Munich (To the interview)
"Development of a New Approach of Evaluating Process Stability of the Laser-Powder Bed Fusion Process with Deep Learning"


Award winner in the category Dissertation

Nadja Felde - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (To the interview)
"Design, manufacturing, and characterization of robust multifunctional surfaces"



In addition to the prizes for the three final categories, further prizes were awarded in 2020. The jury of the Applied Photonics Awards also honored final theses that stood out in particular.


Jury Award for outstanding scientific work

Christian Gaida - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (To the interview)
"Powerscaling of ultrafast thulium-doped fiber laser systems"


Jury Award for high potential for utilization and application

Carlos Abad Andrade - Humboldt University of Berlin (To the interview)
"Advances and Applications of Molecular Absorption Spectrometry: from Non-Metals to Isotope Analysis"

Award Winners 2019

Happy Award Winners 2019 in front of the Zeiss-Planetarium in Jena.
© Fraunhofer IOF
The winners of the Applied Photonics Award 2019 together with Andreas Tünnermann (Director Fraunhofer IOF), Gérard Mourou (Nobel Prize winner in Physics 2018) and Zeiss CEO Michael Kaschke at the Zeiss Planetarium in Jena.

The award ceremony took place during the Photonics Days on September 18, 2019 in Jena. The winners were announced at the "Dinner under the Stars" in the presence of the Nobel Prize winner in Physics Gérard Mourou and Zeiss CEO Michael Kaschke.

Award winner in the category Bachelor Thesis

Patrick Taschner – Leibniz University Hannover (To the interview)
"Schnelle Strahlablenkung mittels akustooptischer Deflektion zur Lasermikrobearbeitung"
(Fast beam deflection by acousto-optical deflection for laser micromachining)


Award winner in the category Master Thesis

Timo Eckstein - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (To the interview)
"Measurement and simulation of ultrafast optical phase-controlled 2-coloured coherent electron interference in monolayer graphene"


Award winner in the category Dissertation

Dr. Silvio Fuchs - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (To the interview)
"Optische Kohärenztomographie mit extrem ultravioletter Strahlung"
(Optical coherence tomography with extreme ultraviolet radiation)

Award Winners 2018

Award ceremony 2018 in the Volksbad Jena.
Award ceremony 2018 in the Volksbad Jena.

The award ceremony took place during the Photonics Days on September 18, 2018 in Jena.

Award winner in the category Bachelor Thesis

Andreas Widl – University of Applied Sciences Munich
"Herstellung einer vergrößerten Vortex mit Hilfe der Zwei-Photonen-Polymerisation"
(Fabrication of an enlarged vortex using two-photon polymerization)


Award winner in the category Master Thesis

Germann Hergert – Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (To the interview)
(Ultrafast Spot Projection Electron Microscopy)


Award winner in the category Dissertation

Dr. Stefan Heist – Friedrich Schiller University Jena (To the interview)
"Hochgeschwindigkeits-3D-Formvermessung mittels aperiodischer Sinus-Muster"
(High-speed 3D shape measurement using aperiodic sinusoidal patterns)


Presentation of the STIFT Special Prize Thuringia

Dr. Markus Gräfe (Dissertation) – Friedrich Schiller University Jena
"Integrated Photonic Quantum Walks in Complex Lattice Structures"

Award Winners 2017

Award ceremony 2017 at the fair in Munich.
Award ceremony 2017 at the fair in Munich.

The award ceremony took place during the Laser World of Photonics on June 27, 2017 in Munich.

Award winner in the Category A (Bachelor, Master, Diploma)

1st Place – David Schmelz (Master Thesis) – Friedrich Schiller University Jena
"Konzeptionierung und Realisierung einer diffusen Lichteinkoppelstruktur für Ge-on-Si Bildsensoren"
(Conception and realization of a diffuse light coupling structure for Ge-on-Si image sensors)

2nd Place – Valentin Wittstock (Master Thesis) – Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg
 "Photoakustischer Sensor zur Detektion der unteren Explosionsgrenze von Methan"
(Photoacoustic sensor for detecting the lower explosion limit of methane)

3rd Place – Andreas Herdt (Master Thesis) – Technical University Darmstadt
"Novel Mid-Infrared Gas Sensor Based On Mutually Coupled Quantum Cascade Lasers"

Award winner in the Category B (Dissertations)

1st Place – Dr. Astrid Bingel – Fraunhofer IOF Jena
"Maßgeschneiderte TCO-Schichten und Schichtsysteme"
(Tailored TCO Coatings and Coating Systems)

2nd Place – Dr. Martin Steglich – Friedrich Schiller University Jena (To the interview)
"Black Silicon mittels ICP-RIE und seine Anwendungen in Optik und Optoelektronik"
(Black Silicon using ICP-RIE and its applications in optics and optoelectronics)

3rd Place – Dr. Fernando Germán Chouza Keil – Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
"Saharan dust transport studied by airborne Doppler wind lidar and numerical models"

Presentation of the STIFT Special Prize Thuringia

David Schmelz (Master Thesis) – Friedrich Schiller University Jena
"Konzeptionierung und Realisierung einer diffusen Lichteinkoppelstruktur für Ge-on-Si-Bildsensoren"
(Conception and realization of a diffuse light coupling structure for Ge-on-Si image sensors)

Dr. Tino Elsmann (Dissertation) – Leibniz IPHT Jena
"Faser-Bragg-Gitter für die Hochtemperaturanwendung"
(Fiber Bragg gratings for high temperature applications)

Award Winners 2016

Award winners 2016 in front of the Fraunhofer IOF in Jena.
Award winners 2016 in front of the Fraunhofer IOF in Jena.

The award ceremony took place during the Laser Display and Lighting Conference (LDC) on July 4, 2016 in Jena.


Award winner in the Category A (Bachelor, Master, Diploma)

1st Place – Hannah Bronner (Bachelor Thesis)
"Photoactive components in porous Organosilicates"

2nd Place – Matthias Hecht (Master Thesis)
"Shaping of Organic Light Emitting Diodes"

3rd Place – Johannes Gürtler (Diploma Thesis)
"Investigation of flow phenomena in a high pressure-injection nozzle"

Award winner in the Category B (Dissertations)

1st Place – Dr. Michael Kühn
"Two-component methods in frame of the timedependent density functional theory, implementation and application"

2nd Place – Dr. Sebastian Schmitt (To the interview)
"Design and Fabrication of Silicon Photonic Building Blocks for Optoelectronic Devices"

3rd Place – Dr. Larissa Bergmann
"New Emitters for OLEDs: The Coordination- and Photo-Chemistry of Mononuclear Neutral Copper(I) Complexes"

Presentation of the STIFT Special Prize Thuringia

Susan Oxfart  (Master Thesis)
"LED-Office lighting in practice - Example of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena"

Dr. Marcus Trost (Dissertation)
"Light scattering and roughness properties of optical components for 13.5 nm"

Award Winners 2015

Award ceremony 2015 at the fair in Munich.
Award ceremony 2015 at the fair in Munich.

The award ceremony took place during the Laser World of Photonics on June 22, 2015 in Munich.


Award winner in the Category A (Bachelor, Master, Diploma)

1st Place – Torsten Büchner (To the interview)
"Charakterisierung von mit Femtosekundenlasern erzeugten Mikrostrukturen im Glasvolumen für das Lichtmanagement in Solarmodulen"
(Characterization of microstructures generated by femtosecond lasers in the glass volume for light management in solar modules)

2nd Place – Vincenz Sandfort
"Untersuchungen zur Verstärkung von Raman-Gas-Streusignalen durch photonische Kristallfasern"
(Investigations into the amplification of Raman gas scattering signals by photonic crystal fibers)

3rd Place – Lisa Janker
"Characterisation of GaAs/AlGaAs Core-shell Nanowire Lasers and Their Integration on Si"

Award winner in the Category B (Dissertations)

1st Place – Dr. Florian Werner
"Atomic layer deposition of aluminum oxide on crystalline silicon: Fundamental interface properties and application to solar cells"

2nd Place – Dr. Daniel Volz
"Zweikernige Kupfer(I)-Komplexe als OLED-Leuchtstoffe: Synthese, Eigenschaften und neue Konzepte"
(Dual-Core Copper(I) Complexes as OLED Fluorescents: Synthesis, Properties, and New Concepts)

3rd Place – Dr. Christoph Gerhard
"Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-Assisted Laser Ablation of Optical Glasses"

Presentation of the STIFT Special Prize Thuringia

Martin Heilemann
"Siliziumoberflächenmodifikation durch Laserstrukturierung zur Herstellung hochempfindlicher Photodetektoren"
(Silicon surface modification by laser structuring for the fabrication of highly sensitive photodetectors)

Dr. Sven Döring
"Analysis of the Hole Shape Evolution in Ultrashort Pulse Laser Drilling"


Award Winners 2014

Award ceremony 2014 at the fair in Hanover.
Award ceremony 2014 at the fair in Hanover.

The award ceremony took place during the Hanover Exhibition on April 7, 2014.


Award winner in the Category A (Bachelor, Master, Diploma)

1st Place – Lucia Lorenz (TU Ilmenau)
"Optische Abstands- und Schichtdickenmessung entlang einer Linie"
(Optical distance and thickness measurement along a line)

2nd Place – Christoph Heller (TU München)
"Kontrollierte Morphologien durch molekulares Design und Nanostrukturierung für die Anwendung in der organischen Photovoltaik"
(Controlled morphologies through molecular design and nanostructuring for use in organic photovoltaics)

3rd Place – Sebastian Loos (FH Südwestfalen)
"Luminescent Glasses for LED Applications and High Efficiency Solar Cells"


Award winner in the Category B (Dissertations)

1st Place – Dr. Christian Marx (University Hannover / LZH)
"Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Lasertechnologie in der Pflanzenproduktion"
(Investigations into the use of laser technology in plant production)

2nd Place – Dr. Christiane Präfke (Friedrich Schiller University Jena / Fraunhofer IOF)
"Vakuumgedampfte organisch-anorganische Hybridschichten für den UV-Schutz von Bis-phenol-A-Polycarbonat"
(Vacuum evaporated organic-inorganic hybrid layers for the UV protection of bis-phenol-A polycarbonate)

3rd Place – Dr. Oliver Lux (TU Berlin)
"Laser Frequency Conversion by Stimulated Raman Scattering"


Presentation of the STIFT Special Prize Thuringia

Marina Merker (EAH Jena / Friedrich Schiller University Jena) – Category A
"Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Durchtrennung des Glaskörpers mittels Femtosekundenlaser"
(Experimental investigations on the cutting of the vitreous body by means of femtosecond lasers)

Alexander Zimmer (EAH Jena) – Category A
"Farbige Solarzellen: Simulation, Herstellung und Charakterisierung"
(Colored solar cells: Simulation, fabrication and characterization)

Dr. Luisa Coriand (Friedrich Schiller University Jena / Fraunhofer IOF) – Category B
"Roughness, wetting, and optical properties of functional surfaces"

Award Winners 2013

Award ceremony 2013 at the fair in Hanover.
Award ceremony 2013 at the fair in Hanover.

The award ceremony took place during the Hanover Exhibition on April 8, 2013.


Award winner in the Category A (Bachelor, Master, Diploma)

1st Place – André Eberhardt (University Freiburg / Fraunhofer IPM)
"Entwicklung eines optischen Gasmesssystems für die Roheisenherstellung"
(Development of an optical gas measurement system for pig iron production)

2nd Place – Johannes Eisenlohr (University Freiburg / Fraunhofer ISE)
"Optimierung der internen Verspiegelung von Solarzellen durch Einsatz einer nanostrukturierten Rückseite"
(Optimization of the internal mirroring of solar cells through the use of a nanostructured reverse side)

3rd Place – Sebastian Eckhardt (TU Dresden / Fraunhofer IWS)
"Direkte Laserinterferenzstrukturierung von ZnO- und PET-Substraten zur Steigerung der Effizienz"
(Direct Laser Interference Structuring of ZnO and PET Substrates for Increased Efficiency)


Award winner in the Category B (Dissertations)

1nd Place – Dr. Sarah Maria Falke (University Oldenburg)
"Primary Processes of the Light-to-Current Conversion in Organic Photovoltaic Materials"

2nd Place – Dr. Tino Eidam (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
"Ultrashort-Pulse Fiber Amplifiers for High Peak and Average Powers"

3rd Place – Dr. Mathias Neumann (TU Dresden)
"Untersuchungen von Sensorsystemen für die hochaufgelöste, nichtinvasive Vermessung von Strömungsfeldern, Volumenkräften und Turbulenzen"
(Investigations of sensor systems for high-resolution, non-invasive measurement of flow fields, volume forces and turbulences)


Presentation of the STIFT Special Prize Thuringia

Tobias Ullsperger (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) – Category A
"Räumlich und zeitlich hoch-aufgelöste Untersuchung des ultrakurzpuls-induzierten Plasmas bei der Tiefenablation von Silizium und ionengefärbtem Glas"
(Spatial and temporal high-resolution investigation of ultrashort pulse-induced plasma in the deep ablation of silicon and ion-dyed glass)

Dr. Claudia Reinlein (TU Ilmenau / Fraunhofer IOF) – Category B
"Thermo-mechanical design, realization and testing of screen-printed deformable mirrors"

Award Winners 2012


Award winner in the Category A (Bachelor, Master, Diploma)

1st Place – Toni Eichelkraut (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
"Plasmonic Nanostructures to Enhance Up-Conversion Processes"

2nd Place – Andreas Tittl (University Stuttgart)
"Perfect Absorber Sensor: Towards Single Catalytic Detection"

3rd Place – Freia Irina Mues (FH Südwestfalen)
"Entwurf, praktische Realisierung und Bewertung eines Beleuchtungssystems mit RGBW-LEDs und circadianer Spektralsteuerung via Intranet zur Steigerung des Wohlbefindens und der Effizienz am Arbeitsplatz"
(Design, practical realization and evaluation of a lighting system with RGBW-LEDs and circadian spectral control via intranet to increase well-being and efficiency at the workplace)


Award winner in the Category B (Dissertations)

1st Place – Dr. Jörg Frischeisen (University Augsburg)
"Light extraction in organic light-emitting diodes"

2nd Place – Dr. Jan Meiß (Technical University Dresden)
"New Material Concepts for Organic Solar Cells"

3rd Place – Dr. Thorsten Bornwasser (University Hannover) (To the interview)
& Dr. Christian Bretthauer (University Freiburg)

"Energieeffizienzsteigerung pflanzlicher In-vitro-Kulturverfahren mit Hochleistungs-LED-Belichtungssystemen"
(Energy efficiency increase of vegetable in-vitro culture processes with high-performance LED exposure systems)


Presentation of the STIFT Special Prize Thuringia

Felix Zimmermann (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) – Category A
"Ultrakurzpuls-induzierte Volumen-modifikationen transparenter Materialien zum lokalen Laserbonden"
(Ultra-short pulse-induced volume modifications of transparent materials for local laser bonding)

Dr. Daniel Escudero Masa (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) – Category B
"Spectroscopy and photochemistry of transition metal complexes: a quantum chemical study"

An award with history and future

You have also dealt with a topic in your thesis that is relevant for Applied Photonics? Then apply for the Applied Photonics Award! New findings for Applied Photonics belong to the public and not to the drawer.

All information and admission criteria can be found here.